Sunday, December 8, 2019

Standing strong in the fog.

I have been itching to write, but without something specific I have hesitated. Then just this morning my sweet friend Audra shared something that resonated with my heart, with her permission I will share.

One of her friends sent her this, "Our kids are great and amazing. They were sent to us because the Lord knew we would fight to protect them from the world." 
Audra went on to say, "A wise friend sent me this text yesterday. We'd been chatting about our children who have quirks that are challenging us and growing us. As I caught the gorgeous rising of the sun this morning, I heard a voice quietly tell me that the end result will be magnificent. The sun doesn't rise with a snap of a finger. Slowly, over time we witness it's changing beauty."
She continues, "And so it will be with my child. So it is with every single quirk we encounter in life. So often I want the end result to be immediate. To be free from the frustration, exhaustion and overwhelm. But with each passing day, more beauty is being added. How lucky are we to witness beauty as it's being created?"

This seemed to fit with my scripture study early this morning as I read. Someone suggested reading a chapter each day of Luke as he wrote 24 chapters, and one a day in December will end Christmas Eve, and I will have the beautiful window into Christ's earthly life and ministry. It has been remarkable to read Luke again this time! Today Luke talked about the parable of the sower (Chapter 8 because today is December 8th) he explains what each of the seeds represent but it was the good seeds that really hit me today. Luke 8:15.
"But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience."

 Then I went to my Book of Mormon and read 1 Nephi 14:14.
"And it came to pass that I Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory." (Italics added on both scriptures)

Audra's remarkable sunrise message that the end result will be magnificent, combined with these specific scriptures this morning for me also reminds me that we are each armed with power from Jesus Christ to keep His good words, in any way they come to each of us individually, and that as His covenant people, in righteousness- we will bring forth fruit with patience. That patience is what is hard for me. Like Audra, I want to see results immediately! However I have learned that as I wait patiently on the Lord and have faith in His divine timing, the end result is magnificent! And these promises that I can, through my obedience in staying firmly on His covenant path, have His power daily in my life, are what makes my life have meaning, purpose and allow me to slowly see the magnificence I am promised, seep gently into my life.

This week I had a glimpse of a portion of His magnificence when I went to the Temple. The experience has been very much on my mind and is sinking deep into my heart. Sacred experiences always give me pause when faced with sharing them, however I think this is what has driven me to write this morning.

I have been nearly consumed with my upcoming return to work. My shoulder is still healing and I have been worried I am returning too early, if I do what the Short Term Disability folks are telling me. Always aware of our finances, this situation had me running around in circles in my head. Finally Wednesday morning as I began to prepare for my Temple shift I felt the strong impression to do an initiatory session first. 
So I did. 
Then I followed another impression to go to the Celestial room. 
So I did. 

I felt led to a couch there instead of a single chair, I remember thinking that was an odd choice as I was alone. Well not for long! I began admiring the beautiful chandelier, and then the windows, as I sought for peace, and to get into the right mindset to pray. Suddenly I felt someone join me on the couch. I think my spirit realized instantly who it was, but my mind was struggling to accept it. Then the Savior quietly said to me, "Take the money out of the equation." So I did. And then I saw the path before me open up to my answer. It was remarkable because while I couldn't actually describe what physical things were physically moving out of the way...the path to my answer was cleared before my eyes. It's difficult to explain the way it looked to me, yet the end result, my answer, was crystal clear. I paused a moment to absorb all of this remarkable experience. He waited patiently and quietly for me to catch up. Then I started to think how undeserving I felt of this moment as I had only recently restarted my daily devotionals again since being away helping Dani with Declan...but I didn't get very far in that thought when He gently replied, "Please don't say that, you are always deserving and I am always here for you. I love you." And just like that He was gone. And I got the distinct impression that there were others He needed to be with. My next thought was, well it is His house after-all, why wouldn't He be serving here too! 

Yes then I actually looked at the couch cushion next to was empty, as I knew it would be. I sat there and soaked up this experience, but quickly felt I didn't need to stay. As I walked quietly from the room I realized that I had only been inside for less than 5 minutes. It's like He was waiting for me and I felt a sense of excitement from Him as He sat down, and that surprised me a little. Later as I have reflected on this whole experience it was such a powerful reminder that our Savior is always close by. He is always willing and ready to help.  He was excited because I had come for His help, and He knew He could give me the guidance I was needing so desperately. It seemed almost effortless on His part, after-all does He not promise us all good gifts? Does He not stand at the door and knock? 

Yes His perfect timing in all things still makes the end result magnificent.

And now as my Sabbath is beginning here in Utah, I am a little jealous of Audra's sunrise in North Carolina, because while the sky outside is slowly turning to day...there will be no chance the sun will show itself as the mountains are shrouded in least they hide the snow I know is there, so there's that....So today I glory in my Jesus. Today I will show covenant purpose and patience. And I will wait upon the Lord for my own magnificent end results.