These are a couple of my Dallas darlings....and this morning I am so grateful for them.
As my heart aches, and my eyes are filled to overflowing with sad tears, for the horrific
events that have unfolded last night, I am shattered at thinking of so many whose lives
have been irreversible altered by senseless acts of violence. A dad snapping a picture like this, loving his children so much that sharing them with those he loves is so natural...realizing this may never happen again for those who lay their lives on the line every time they put on their uniform, and kiss their babies goodbye! For those of you who are one of those brave, unselfish public servants, there are never adequate words to express the gratitude I feel! Thank you seems trite, but comes full of gratitude and respect for your willing service...every single day.
After the initial shock, one of the first thoughts that came to my mind was the Book Of Mormon Gadianton Robbers...their relentless pursuits of evil, created havoc for so many good people. Their thirst for power, wealth and ultimately revenge for perceived past wrongs...not even committed against them...left such a wake of pain and suffering over and over again.
When we fail to learn the lessons of history, we are condemned to repeat them. The cycles in the Book of Mormon we can now read within several months, yet they were lived within hundreds of years. That gives us an added advantage of a concentrated view, a different perspective, if you will, of these 'cycles' within the pages. Patterns emerge that are now visible to the reader that were not expressly obvious to those who were living the story.
Learn we must, as we study, to avoid the same pitfalls and disasters.
As we pray for those who are suffering today, let us also pray for ourselves, that we may learn the lessons Heavenly Father is trying to teach us. Let us be kind to others and look for ways to reach out,and serve each other, and care for one another as Christ would have us do. We are all family, God's royal family.
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