Yesterday was Bryce's 90 days sober and clean! We took him out to lunch and did the whole corny toast to his recovery! We really are so proud of his efforts. He is doing so well at his job...he has been given a raise and a promotion. I'm not aware of any job he's had that either of those things have happened in his past. He's knocking their socks off with his performance and work ethic. Pretty impressive stuff!
The struggle is still real, and daily, but he's doing recovery one day at a time. Yesterday he told me that recently he was looking at his license plate on his car, and ever the numbers and patterns guy....came up with this:
F07 3HL "Fought thru hell"
It took me a minute to get it...can you see it? He certainly has fought his way back to this life he has now. Just as his Dad and Gary blessed him to do that night in the ER. And I am so grateful and pleased he continues to choose to fight. He truly is amazing...and an inspiration to me and others.
He has instigated our family prayers each night this last week. And slowly as the days went by he told us he has felt a different spirit in his life as we've had those prayers, together,as a family. He laughs more and reacts to Clark's teasing with some of his own.
My sweet friend Bella posted this recently:
"The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go."

I absolutely loved this! We all have to let things go from time to time. Some are painful even, as we progress, develop and grow. However every fall, here in Utah, the very handiwork of God us how to do it with beauty and grace and dignity. Then as the glorious fall slowly morphs into winter, I am reminded again that for all it's breathtaking beauty...too soon, the fall leaves will flutter slowly to the earth below, as the colder nighttime air creeps into the mountains above and the valleys below. Trees become bare, eventually the snow will cover everything, and the world will be all-white and silent again. Then before we know it...the weather begins to warm up...the snow melts...the green buds are ready to burst on the trees, and slowly the branches are transformed into a cacophony of color and life. The cycle of life begins again.
So this fall I vow to follow the example of these glorious leaves...and accept change as it comes. I am going to remind myself to strive harder for a balanced life. I am going to pray to be more intuitive to others reach out and be kind, and love others. I will try to relieve their burdens and suffering, even if all I can do is offer a genuine hug. And while the world outside goes through her graceful changes, I will work on my own changes, and try to be a better me.
And I promise to remember more often that God is in His heaven...and though sometimes I might question...All is well in the world. Or it will be in His divine and perfect timing. And I will try to recognize that change, though hard at times, is ultimately for my benefit. I need to trust more completely Him who molds me...because He loved me first, and loves me still.
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