Since returning from Hawaii in late October, I have felt similar feelings in my heart. As if my life, like the handfuls of sparkling sand, was running at an alarming rate to a destination I did not want to go to. On some level I was being constantly reminded that I couldn't control the outcome of others choices. Even though the consequences of those choices would undoubtedly bring me heartache, on a level I couldn't possibly understand, and truthfully did not want to understand either. Metaphorically speaking, I continued to fill my palms with sand and then my fingers would separate and the sand would fall, ignoring my desires, and nothing I could do would stop that fall.

I love this picture!
However this reprieve unfortunately didn't last.
In light of these ongoing struggles I turned to my Heavenly Father and was gently reminded to trust Him, and ultimately the only one I can change is myself. So here I am at the New Year contemplating how this change will "come to pass" and the steps I need to take in affecting these changes. Recently I was taught about understanding and then drawing upon the power inherent in things and places that Christ has put His name on. I am compiling a list to assist me in this newly acquired knowledge.
His Temples: Holiness to the Lord
Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
My prayers: In the name of Jesus Christ
The Sacrament: In the name of Jesus Christ
My callings: Set apart in the name of Jesus Christ
My Marriage: Covenants with Jesus Christ- Children born under that covenant
Ministering: Representing Jesus Christ
Bishop's Storehouse: Purchasing food storage in a facility dedicated to Jesus Christ
Meetings that begin and end with prayer: In the name of Jesus Christ
My list is by no means complete, and I will continue to add to it. However I am already seeing daily, how His Power is so available to me. I also am seeing that when I am walking the path in the very moment that He wants me to, it easier for Him to direct His Power into my life and experiences...as long as I continue to ask and then use it to bless others around me.
"When you reach up for the Lord's power in your life with the same intensity that a drowning person has when grasping and gasping for air, power from Jesus Christ will be yours. When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him-when He can feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw His power into your life-you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you should do." Russell M. Nelson.
There it is! I never leave a blog unfinished...this one however has spanned two days, because I needed last nights experiences and this quote! So here is to a year of spiritual growth and seeking opportunities to draw His Power more fully into my life.
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