Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Called to go somewhere...

My heart has been heavy these last few days, as world events have dictated the early return  or reassignment of so many missionaries, often creating an unimaginable end to their service. I also ache for friends who are serving as mission Presidents & Companions, whose heartbreak is unprecedented in our Church's history as they seek to protect their missionaries-and watch them leave, often all at once! It is always a bittersweet experience, coming home. However these unique world-wide circumstances may create a deeper level of the bitter portion of that bittersweet.

I remember not long after Clark and I were married we suddenly began to see some unprecedented blessings pouring into our lives. We pondered these remarkable blessings and were given to know that these blessings were coming to us as a direct result of the choices those we had taught and loved into the Gospel of Jesus Christ were making in righteousness. Left over missionary blessings. Returned missionary blessings. I came to know on a far deeper level that God and Jesus Christ never forgot their missionaries, not ever! 

Years ago i had the privelage of teaching early-morning seminary with Elder Rasband's sister Nancy in California. She taught me an eternal principal I have never forgotten. We as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ often have our "assignments" changed here in our lives. We accept callings, and releases as the Lord sees fit. However there are times when we struggle with those releases. She taught me that seeking the Lord's confirmation is equally important with a release as it is for a beginning. There are countless examples in our scriptures where individuals sought to know that their offering had been accepted.
One of my favorites is Doctrine & Covenants 105:19 "I have heard their prayers, and will accept their offering; and it is expedient in me that they should be brought thus far for a trial of their faith." Now no one wants to willingly accept a trial of their faith, however as we can all testify those very trials often bring the sweetest of God's blessings, and growth is often unattainable in any other way. We can each know our offering, whatever it was, is accepted by the Lord. Now we can teach this principal to these returned missionaries. Teach them to seek to know that the Lord has accepted their offering, through fervent prayer. This sweet assurance will come, and they will know of the great love the Lord has for His missionaries, as they press forward faithfully on His Covenant Path.

I see no coincidence that this early release will likely be completed prior to our General Conference! God's Perfect Plan is working! And I know the Lord's anointed Prophet and Apostles will lead by example in welcoming this Royal Army home!

And so as these missionaries, this living breathing army of God, begin to slip quietly back into our lives, I believe we each can be instruments in the Lord's hands in wrapping them in our love, as they struggle with the reality of an early release. Through no fault of their own they have been removed from their missions with absolutely no warning. Some will be leaving people they have loved with their whole hearts, some will be leaving before the very goal of baptism was just within their reach. Some will struggle knowing how beautifully simple their life had become, get up, share the gospel, go to bed. Repeat. Each has looked forward to bearing a fervent testimony to those who have loved and supported their efforts from home. Now they can't even walk through those chapel doors, they are locked and dark. Some will be reassigned to other missions while they harbor undeniable love for the mission, missionaries, members and Presidents & Companions they have been torn from. And without warning, be pressed into a whole other mission experience, often even in a different language! 

Even with the social distancing we are currently doing, there are ways for us to reach out and support them at this time of great upheaval. There are many resources on the Church website available to help us, and them, understand some of these tender feelings we are all having. Ask them to share their mission experiences. Ask them to bear their testimonies often. Maybe they can record a video of their experiences and share it through social media, on ward FB pages so others can still be blessed by it and them. Ask them to share the good and the hard. Listen with love. Being in isolation right now is so very foreign to everything they have been doing. It's weird enough to be without a companion 24/7 initially, but to be in isolation will be yet another layer to their struggle and adjustment to life after the Mission. Interact with them, love them, flood them with assurances. Satan still desires to have them, don't let him anywhere near them while they are vulnerable. 

Remember the ice-bucket challenge that ran rampart on social media for awhile? Didn't we watch repeatedly for the shock and reaction on their faces as that ice-cold water hit them from behind? Well this Royal Army has just been doused with that ice-cold water metaphorically speaking of course. They will be a bit shell-shocked for a minute. Be patient with them please.

I want to close with a quote from our beloved President Thomas S. Monson "Now a word for those elders, sisters, and couples who, for whatever reason, may not be able to finish their assigned time in the mission field: The Lord loves you. He appreciates your sacrifice. He is aware of your disappointment, Know that He still has a work for you to do. Don't let Satan tell you otherwise. Don't get down; don't become discouraged; don't despair. As I observed in General Conference shortly after I was called to lead the Church; 'Fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.' That promise still holds true for you. So don't lose your faith, because the Lord has not lost faith in you. Keep your covenants and move forward."        "Called to the work" Ensign June 2017.

Our Savior appreciated the righteous service we gave as missionaries, no matter how long we served. "God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shewed toward his name."   Hebrews 6:10. 

We sometimes cannot control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react to it. Go forth showing an increase of love to all.
God is good, and his Perfect Plan for each of us is unfolding rapidly. Rest, eat your vitamins and run together to the finish line where we will each enfolded in His loving arms.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sister Sharon Moss your Testimony of what is happening right now in our world is strong
    Those missionarys will stay strong with all our help. Please kno w rhat I know for surity that the Lord Jesus Christ heres us and us heppi g all of us to stand for the truth of our Savoir Jesus Christ church. We will all walk as with the armys of The last days onward
