Monday, September 7, 2020

Oh the bittersweet of it all.

Bittersweet. It's an interesting word. I have seen it play out before me many times, leaving for my mission to London is one. Returning from my mission, another. Some examples have a great distance between the two intrinsically linked experiences. However yesterday they were separated by only a breath and a heartbeat as my Bishop was released, and my new Bishop was sustained. The words suddenly collided forcefully in my reality.

Six years ago, at our first ward party after moving into this home, Steve & Heather Stewart (whom we'd never met, although we did realize much later that our daughters Kylee & Whitney, and Amanda Ricks knew each other from school) made us feel so welcome as they chatted with us, introduced us to many of the ward members and honestly sealed-the-deal for capturing our hearts. I have never forgotten that initial meeting of hearts. And a year later even though Steve had a deer-in-headlights look about him that Sunday, he humbly accepted the call to be our Bishop. And since that moment til yesterday morning, he has never laid down the torch. He has served with such love and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and by extension he has ministered to a very large and diverse ward as a true disciple of Christ. Kindness, gentleness, love, strength, and yes even joy, lots of Joy! He has led by righteous example, and showing us he was very mortal and continued to learn and grow. He was willing to do whatever was asked of him. He set aside his own desires to serve others whenever and wherever he was needed. And then when it was also asked of him, we watched as that mantle of God-given authority gently lifted from his shoulders and was placed on another disciple of Christ.

The spirit had confirmed my belief, just moments before as we drove into the parking lot, when I saw Brook & Val Blackhurst step out of their car. This was the newly called Bishop and his sweet wife. My church callings over the last five years had brought these two into my life in close and tender ways. When Bishop Blackhurst took the stand to share his feelings it was a visible witness to me that the mantle had just come to gently rest on his shoulders. Remarkable. And it was in this moment, between hearing former Bishop Stewart's testimony, followed by newly-sustained Bishop Blackhurst, that the bittersweet moment registered in my brain.

It was bitter, in one way, to be losing the loving leadership of my trusted friend Steve, but sweet in almost the next heartbeat, to have this incredible man Brook to be stepping into this sacred calling. Time after time I had watched Brook speak to, and associate with, our Stake youth, he was the High Council representative for us in the Stake Young Women Presidency. I recalled with ease one particular occasion. Something hadn't gone to plan during a Stake Standards night and we were left with some extra time. I was sitting with Jodi on the stand when we realized the situation. Brook was also on the stand with us, and prompted by the Spirit I said to Jodi- ask Brook to bear his testimony. She said no I couldn't do that. I repeated, ask Brooke. So she did, and we sat in awe listening to him teach and testify to the kids, he totally nailed it! Saying exactly what we had hoped the kids would be hearing that night. I quickly learned this was going to happen every time he was with the youth. His love for the youth was/is legendary.

And then I realized with the new focus of Bishop's callings- with the youth taking center stage,  Bishop Blackhurst, was exactly where the Lord wanted him. And I knew already that he would do exactly what the Lord wanted him to. And I knew my dear friend Val would be the perfect Bishop's wife (just as I had seen sweet Heather be for Steve) Val is all heart and lots of fun, and one of my favorite people, and she would continue to be the amazing Matriarch in her family. And now I know why she was on my mind so much this last two weeks.

Then we were thrilled to sustain some of our other favorite people, Matt Beck & Jake Hoyt as counselors to Bishop Brook Blackhurst. (B3 and his posse!) It will be a dynamic and powerful youthful and youth-focused Bishopric!  

And so after a veritable spiritual feast yesterday the bittersweet of the heart is fading into joy both past, present and future. God is good! And my prayers will again be to sustain God's chosen Bishop today. And added blessing...we still get to have Steve as part of our lives.

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