Sunday, April 22, 2018


After a restless night, I drove down early to the hospital. The Sabbath Day streets were pretty deserted, but I noticed the blossom-laden trees, and the spring flowers blooming brightly, but I realized I wasn’t enjoying these gifts from Heaven as much as I usually heart was heavy.

 Then as I settled myself in Bryce’s room, I remembered that I told Clark last night....I am trying to decide if I should demonstrate faith-that Bryce will be moved as planned-and not pack my 10-14 hour bag....or be prepared and pack it?....I found a good compromise and took a couple of snacks so I can take care  of myself (and my diabetes) but I’m having faith I’ll be home before lunch.

The view from Bryce’s window is Y Mountain. Which includes three peaks behind the famous ‘Y’ and slowly between the peaks, the early morning mist was gathering, chased by the warmth of the rising sun. I was mesmerized...and gradually the sun climbed behind the mountains. I found my heart lifting  incrementally with the sun’s steady upward path. Slowly the mist was disappearing, just as my heavy heart was. I smiled in anticipation of seeing the sun. I warned Bryce it was almost visible. He sat up in his bed and moved to watch with me. Holding my breath suddenly the brilliance blinded me. It was here! I closed my eyes and knew, even as the warmth penetrated the thick window glass, I knew even if I wasn’t still staring at the sun, I knew it was there! And it would steadily move across its intended path, ordered by its Maker. Just as I know the sun is to remind me to remember His Son Jesus Christ. Every day. All day. And my heart felt light, hope restored! Bryce moved and settled, his bare toes right in the sunshine....and then he slept peacefully.

Now I barely notice the busyness of the hospital as my heart and body absorb the warmth sent from a loving Heavenly Father, who knows me better than I know myself. He also knows ‘my baby’ as the cleaning lady just called him....He knows what we both need to learn and experience before we return to live with Him forever. Warmed by His infinite love I’ll continue to chose hope, look towards the light, and exercise my faith in His plan.

God is good!

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