Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is there no end to leaves?

Fall is a very busy and trying time for us. With 44 mature trees, whose leafy shade is heralded by all at the peak of summer, we are nearly overwhelmed as they shake loose their leaves and fall. Everywhere. Leaves. Leaves, and more leaves! While I have been with Dani & Declan, Clark has been trying to keep up alone. Bryce is working full-time at Go Health in Lindon. This is their busy season as open enrollment goes through the first week of December. He's worked as many as 14 hours on some days but is totally nailing it and loving it! We are so proud as we watch him adult stone cold sober! He's amazing! But not available for yard work 😩

So with the rain forecasted for today we had to act quickly. I left Dani & Declan and dragged out the blower. Clark was stuck at work and sunset was at 5!

We had been issued a challenge on Sunday to take D&C 6:36 to heart...but with a twist...
 "Look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not" So at first glance it appears we are being challenged to  look to Him, without fear or doubts...however what if this follows the Book of Mormon pattern of "If...then"? So reading it again what IF I look to Him in every thought THEN I'll be blessed that I'll not doubt or be fearful. WOW! So I'd been trying this exercise in little ways and marveled at what was happening.

So back to my leaf's pretty noisy  so I quickly discovered I was in a bubble  of noise, rendering any distractions mute. I again turned my thoughts to Him. I explained I needed whatever miracle He would bless me with because it would be absolutely impossible to complete the task before  me alone. So I gave Him a few suggestions, I have family in the other side of the veil, strong children, eager grandchildren, grateful ancestors...I was not opposed to their help. I knew it might mess things up a bit for others, if He lengthened out the maybe bless my eyes to see in the gathering dark. I needed strength beyond my own as my shoulder is still healing. Maybe the blower could be stronger than normal... It may sound strange these suggestions but I realized that I had no  fear or doubt in laying out my plan to Him!
And then I went to work in a race against the sun. I did  my best and when sunset came and went and I was still in my blessed bubble, the leaves seemed endless and oh how I wanted to quit!!! No one would have faulted me, but in the past repeatedly I never quit when others expected it, why was now any different?
At 5 when Clark arrived home, I was still blowing those dang leaves! He started on the other side of our yard, I could still clearly see my leaves at 6:30, until I watched that last curled, dry leaf blow onto the pile to ends its life.
I turned around and realized Clark couldn't 'sweep' the leaves from the gravel path it too had to be blown. I began to blow and realized in the gathering dark I could still see enough to know I was moving the leaves in the right direction.
At 7:30 we both went inside and it was then that Clark realized I'd been blowing for three hours!!

At 6 am I heard the rain on my tin roof and smiled! As the rain has continued to fall gently most of the day I have felt to look unto Him in every thought of soul drenching gratitude. As the sun rose this morning I looked out on my back yard and realized what a sacred place it is now.
God lives He hears and answers every prayer. And as He does my fears and doubts flee, just as He promised.

So I   have finished the book and after several emails and phone calls I was formally invited to submit my manuscript to Covenant. I was excited but slowly let my faith trample my fear. My friend reminded me of the challenge. So I hit the button this morning and off it went! Shortly thereafter I got another phone call from the Acquisition Agent telling me he was very impressed and had already given it to an editor.He was told by the editor they were ahead of schedule and should have an answer by Friday or possibly Monday. I was pleasantly surprised. My day got busy with the grandkids but a couple of hours later I got another call..."Sharon, the editor just told me we can't accept your manuscript, remember I told you we are Christian publishers? Well we can't publish anything from a Mormon."
He went on to recommended another Publisher...I was stunned and very confused. He got off the call immediately and hasn't answered my followup email.
First I slowly realized I had submitted to Covenant Publishing, not Covenant Communications!!
Second I realized he appeared to be under the delusion that Mormons were not Christians!!
Then my Mama Bear came out and I really wanted to set him straight about just who we worshipped, The Living Christ, the author and finisher of my faith!! And the best yard work helper EVER!

Later in the day after I had laid my pride aside for making such a mistake, I mused in silent prayer why the Lord, who has directed this whole journey -allowed this deviation to take place. He quietly answered, "They needed the book for themselves, it was the only way they'd read it."

As I am writing tonight, I'm also rocking my sleeping sweet Declan for Dani and I marvel at what I have experienced since I heard and accepted the challenge. I also see sacred places in my everyday journey  that remind me of His miracles in my life. And I am reminded again, as Elder Bona taught me from Italy..."God's Plan is always working." And when I surrender my heart to Him, He never disappoints. So I am soaking up the sweet serenity of snuggles with my darling Declan seeing  his very existence as a gift from God!